The Neighbourhood House Programs offered through all of our Centres have a wide range of educational, leisure, health & wellbeing, social, and personal development programs available. Our monthly "What’s On" program flyer has all the current information on programs, activities, and services we have available.
You can find our "What's On" Regular Program Flyer by clicking here.
Lending Library
You will find a humble range of books that can be borrowed the Rocherlea Shed. Small donations are always welcome too!
We have a printer and scanner available at both Newnham and Mowbray, as well as a community computer. Reception staff are able to assist with this whenever you need to use them; bookings are encouraged but are not required for using the computer.
Community Vans
Our vans can provide transport support to NSCC activities, programs, services, volunteering opportunities & community outings. Please call the centre for more information.
NILS No Interest Loan Scheme
Providing interest free loans of up to $2000 for Household Essentials, Education Essentials, Medical and Dental, and Car Care/Repair Essentials. Bond and rent in advance can now also be covered, albeit with some conditions as set by NILS Tasmania.
To be eligible for a NILS loan, you must have a current Health Care or Pension Card, or earn below $55000. Call NILS on 1300 301 650 or apply on their website for an information package - you can then make an appointment with us to assist you with completing your loan application.
To find out more about how NILS can help you, click their logo below to be redirected to their website.